Dental Bonding & Contouring in Longview, TX
A Smile That Complements Your Features
Do you have minor physical damage that affects the appearance of your teeth? Do you feel unhappy with the shape or length of one or all of your teeth? When your teeth are perfectly healthy but you desire improvements for minor cosmetic concerns, consider dental bonding and contouring.
Bonding and Contouring Solutions
Bonding is a cosmetic solution that repairs damaged teeth. We can address cracks, stains, gaps, cavities and chips of almost any size. Your dentist will use composite to replace your missing tooth structure. Composite is the substance we use for tooth colored fillings. Because we can customize the color of the composite to match your tooth, the finished appearance will look natural.
Contouring is a cosmetic solution that corrects irregular surfaces and/or enhances the texture or symmetry of the tooth surface or shape. For example, contouring can address tooth length discrepancies and therefore improve the overall appearance of all teeth. It may also address concerns with the shape of a tooth, such as a protruding or rotated tooth.
The Benefits
Bonding and contouring can offer you tremendous cosmetic improvement without the investment typically required of alternative options like porcelain veneers. In many instances you can address a single tooth or several teeth. Restoring or recontouring even a single chip can dramatically improve the way you feel about your smile and your overall appearance.
Is Bonding and Contouring Right For Me?
Bonding and contouring may be the right choice for you if you desire the replacement or contouring of tooth enamel without invasive treatment. Minor adjustments can also help prevent future chipping or sharp edges that may result in fractures. To find out if you can benefit from bonding and contouring, schedule an appointment by calling DentaCare in Longview, TX, at (903) (903) 758-5921.