Discovering that tooth contouring can assist you in achieving a refined, beautiful smile is an exciting moment. After all, this cosmetic treatment can efficiently and effectively assist you in saying goodbye to concerns like tooth texture problems, pointed teeth, rough edges, and more. However, you may find that the closer you get to saying, “yes” to treatment, the more hesitant you feel. Rather than allowing some final questions to stop you from transforming your grin, we encourage you to consider answers to some common concerns for the clarification you need.
Questions And Answers: Contouring
Question: Will dental contouring feel comfortable? I’m curious if I will need a local anesthetic.
Answer: Yes, contouring is a comfortable treatment. You can expect to enjoy an efficient, relaxing visit. Please let us know, however, if you have extremely sensitive teeth so we can make any necessary accommodations. Whatever the case, keep in mind that this treatment is quite gentle.
Question: Is dental contouring safe for my teeth? What if you remove too much enamel – is that possible?
Answer: Contouring is safe for your teeth. We will only proceed with dental contouring once we are certain of the thickness of your tooth’s outermost layer (called enamel). We may rely on digital X-rays if necessary. It is important to note that we remove an extremely small amount of tissue.
Question: What if I’m also interested in other cosmetic treatments? Can I choose contouring and still select other treatments, as well?
Answer: Of course. You may combine dental contouring with a variety of other treatments, such as bonding or teeth whitening.
At DentaCare Dental in Tyler, TX, we focus on advanced technology, education, and comfort to offer every patient a pleasant experience and excellent dental care. To schedule a consultation, call our Tyler, TX, office today at (903) 758-5921. For optimal convenience, we also serve patients at our other location in Longview, TX.