No, your tongue cannot actually speak to you. However, if you know what to look for, it can tell you when something is not quite right with your oral health. Between dental checkups, it is always a good idea to keep a watch on your tongue. If anything unusual occurs, from new sensations to a change in appearance, let us know. We will schedule a visit to see you right away, so we can determine if there is a problem and then offer the proper treatment to restore your health.
A Numb Or Difficult-To-Move Tongue
You may notice that your tongue feels numb or that you have trouble moving it – this may occur in conjunction with other symptoms if you are displaying signs of oral cancer. You may also notice additional negative oral health symptoms like red or white patches in your mouth, lumps, persistent sores, or stiff jaws. The good news is that with consistent preventive dentistry visits with us, we have the opportunity to recognize symptoms and offer treatment long before the disease progresses to this stage.
A Tongue That Looks Extra Red
Does your tongue look extra red but you have not eaten anything highly pigmented (such as red candy)? In some instances, this may suggest a vitamin deficiency. While you should always visit with your doctor if you are unsure about your health, a red tongue might signify a deficiency in vitamin B-12 and/or folic acid.
A Tongue That Looks Chewed Along The Sides
Does it look like you have been chewing the sides of your tongue? Does your tongue’s outer edge look somewhat scalloped? If so, you might be experiencing a treatable issue called bruxism – this is a term that refers to the involuntary habit of clenching or grinding your teeth together. With gentle, noninvasive therapy, we can improve this oral health problem.
At DentaCare Dental in Longview, TX, we focus on advanced technology, education, and comfort to offer every patient a pleasant experience and excellent dental care. To schedule a consultation, call our Longview, TX, office today at (903) 758-5921. For optimal convenience, we also serve patients at our other location in Tyler, TX.